Partnership platform fostering 
target tech-rich projects 
that protect and boost 
well-being in Ukraine.

Andi-drone systems

In the face of adversity, the resilience and determination of the Ukrainian people have been nothing short of inspiring. At Volia Fund, we are committed to supporting Ukraine in its time of need by providing essential resources that save lives and protect the brave defenders of the nation. One of our most impactful initiatives is the supply of jammers to Ukraine, a project that has proven to be a game-changer in safeguarding civilians and military personnel alike.

The Importance of Jammers in Conflict Zones

Jammers are sophisticated devices designed to disrupt and block enemy communications and signals. In conflict zones, these devices play a crucial role in preventing the detonation of remote-controlled improvised explosive devices (IEDs), which are often used to target both military and civilian populations. By neutralizing these threats, jammers significantly reduce the risk of casualties and provide a safer environment for everyone involved.

How Volia Fund is Making a Difference

At Volia Fund, we understand the urgency and importance of providing Ukraine with the tools necessary to protect its people. Our project focuses on the procurement and distribution of high-quality jammers to key locations across the country. Here’s how we are making a difference:

1. Locally Produced Jammers

One of the unique aspects of our initiative is that most of the jammers we supply are locally produced in Ukraine. This approach not only ensures a steady supply of these critical devices but also creates a cumulative effect by providing jobs to the local population. By supporting local manufacturers, we contribute to the economic stability of the region while simultaneously enhancing its defense capabilities.

2. Strategic Deployment

We work closely with Ukrainian defense forces and local authorities to identify high-risk areas where jammers are most needed. By strategically deploying these devices, we maximize their impact and ensure that they are used where they can save the most lives.

3. Curation and Selection

To ensure that we are providing the best possible technology, we engage in a rigorous curation and selection process. This involves evaluating and selecting the most effective jammers available, as well as fostering innovation by supporting new teams working on drone technology. By encouraging research and development, we help bring cutting-edge solutions to the forefront, enhancing the overall effectiveness of our efforts.

4. Continuous Improvement

The landscape of modern warfare is constantly evolving, and so are the threats faced by Ukraine. At Volia Fund, we are committed to staying ahead of the curve by continuously researching and upgrading the jammers we supply. This dedication to innovation ensures that our efforts remain effective and relevant in the face of new challenges.

Real-Life Impact

The impact of our jammer project is best illustrated through the stories of those whose lives have been directly affected. One such story is that of a small village in eastern Ukraine, which was frequently targeted by enemy forces. Thanks to the deployment of jammers provided by Volia Fund, the village has seen a significant decrease in attacks, allowing residents to live with a renewed sense of security and hope.

How You Can Help

The success of our initiatives relies heavily on the support of compassionate individuals and organizations. Here are a few ways you can contribute to our mission:

  • Donate: Your financial contributions enable us to procure and distribute more jammers, directly saving lives.
  • Volunteer: Join our team and help with training, logistics, and other essential tasks.
  • Spread the Word: Raise awareness about our cause by sharing our mission with your network.


At Volia Fund, we believe in the power of technology to make a tangible difference in the lives of those affected by conflict. Our project supplying jammers to Ukraine is a testament to this belief, providing a critical layer of protection for both civilians and military personnel. By producing these jammers locally, we not only save lives but also bolster the local economy, creating a positive ripple effect throughout the community. Together, we can continue to support Ukraine in its fight for peace and security.

For more information on how you can get involved, please visit our website or contact us directly. Your support can help save lives and bring hope to those who need it most.

Feedback on Content

  • Clarity and Purpose: The article clearly outlines the purpose and impact of the Volia Fund's project, making it easy for readers to understand the importance of jammers in conflict zones.
  • Emotional Appeal: The inclusion of a real-life impact story adds a personal touch, helping to engage readers emotionally.
  • Call to Action: The article effectively encourages readers to take action by donating, volunteering, or spreading the word.
  • Economic Impact: Highlighting the local production of jammers adds an additional layer of positive impact, showing how the initiative supports the local economy.
  • Innovation and Research: The addition of the "Curation and Selection" section emphasizes the importance of selecting the best products and fostering innovation, which can appeal to readers interested in technological advancements.
  • Potential Misinterpretations: Some readers might misinterpret the use of jammers as an aggressive military tactic rather than a defensive measure. It’s important to emphasize that these devices are used to protect civilians and prevent attacks.

By addressing these points, the article can effectively communicate the mission and impact of the Volia Fund, encouraging support and involvement from a broad audience.

Vehicle Initiatives
  • Since 2022 Volia Fund has purchased over 50 vehicles and the number will continue to grow.
  • Volia Fund also purchased 4 quadricycles in 2024
  • One of the projects “Khlopok” was funded by Volia Fund with the main goal of refurbishing and delivering the vehicles to the areas of most need.

Ukraine Prosthetic Initiative

The Ukraine Prosthetic Initiative is a cost-effective humanitarian effort aimed at providing comprehensive care and support to a large population (80,000+) of Ukrainians whose lives have been forever altered by limb loss resulting from war-related injuries. Our mission is to ensure these individuals not only regain their independence but also reintegrate into society.

Through strong international partnerships with prosthetic specialists, manufacturers, physical therapists, and mental health professionals, the initiative delivers specialized training and hands-on care to empower local healthcare professionals and improve access to prosthetic care and rehabilitation services. 

By implementing a "train the trainer" program and fostering collaboration between international and local stakeholders, the initiative aims to enhance the quality of life, mobility, and independence of individuals affected by limb loss in Ukraine, ultimately transforming lives and building a more inclusive and supportive society.

How you can help:

There are several ways in which you can contribute to the cause of helping wounded Ukrainians regain their mobility. One possibility is to consider sponsorship, where you can fund a team that will journey to Ukraine and offer treatment to around ten people who require assistance. The cost for sponsoring the entire team amounts to $16,000, or alternatively, you can choose to sponsor an individual team member for $4,000.  

Additionally, if you have experience in the medical field or prosthetics, your expertise would be greatly appreciated in forming a medical and prosthetic team. Your contribution can make a significant difference in the lives of those who require specialized care to regain their independence and mobility.

Use this form to support or ask a question about the Prosthetic Initiative.

Recent updates

We are excited to share the incredible achievements from our last mission that happened in March 2024 in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, in collaboration with our partners Protez Hub and Enhancing Skills for Life:

- 6 Ukrainians with bilateral upper limb amputations were fitted with prostheses.

- 10 Ukrainians with bilateral upper limb amputations were trained in using adaptive equipment for everyday life.

- 20 Ukrainian occupational therapists from various regions were trained to support patients who have lost both upper limbs.

- 5 Ukrainian prosthetists learned about the latest technologies and techniques for prosthetics of bilateral upper limb amputations.

These accomplishments have been life-changing for many, and we couldn’t have done it without your support.

Skate for Ukraine: The Forest Song

Renown figure skating champion, Lolita Yermak, has joined Volia to create a fundraising event, “Skate for Ukraine: The Forest Song”, which will take place on August 17, 2024 at the Kraken Arena in Seattle. 

100% of the funds raised during this event will go towards prosthetic and

rehabilitation care for wounded Ukrainians. The event promises to be a spectacular

evening of entertainment and philanthropy, attracting a diverse audience and media

сoverage. The key performers of this event will be Ukrainian figure skating medalists and junior medalists who will come to Seattle to join us in this great cause.

We invite you to attend as our guest and participate in making a significant impact on

the lives of individuals requiring prosthetic limbs to live an independent life.


Testimonial section title

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Art Series
We delight local collector communities in San Francisco and Seattle with one-of-a-kind art pieces and extraordinary exhibitions.
Learn more
Power Up Ukraine
Ukrainian art, food, and music to help save lives. Immersive theatre, art, and charity event to support Ukrainian hospitals.
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Skate for Ukraine: The Forest Song
August 17, 2024
Skate for Ukraine: The Forest Song
100% of the funds raised during this event will go towards prosthetic and rehabilitation care for wounded Ukrainians. The event promises to be a spectacular evening of entertainment and philanthropy, attracting a diverse audience and media сoverage.
Afterparty with the Stars of Grand Ballet Kyiv
December 20, 2023
Afterparty with the Stars of Grand Ballet Kyiv
Beyond the magical performance, your attendance holds a meaningful role in supporting the Ukrainian people through the Volia Fund's initiative to fund evacuation vehicles.


Currently there are 5 directors yet number of volunteers, officers and supporters grows daily

Alex Balkan
Alex Balkan

A detail-oriented leader with financial expertise

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Join Us

Join us! Message us at with high-fives, feedback, and comments

Yuliia Matvieieva
Yuliia Matvieieva

A medical professional and a psychotherapist in-training

Arsen Kostenko
Arsen Kostenko

An engineering leader with vast hands-on experience and a strong bias for action

Tetiana Novohatska
Tetiana Novohatska
Executive Director

An entrepreneurial leader with executive touch

Ana Stepanova
Ana Stepanova
Co-founder, CIO

A strategist excelling in supporting cross-functional teams

Aly Owens
Aly Owens
Co-founder, CMO

At Volia, Aly focuses on fundraisers dedicated to Ukrainian defense. She was the first president of Volia Fund.